...that probably shouldn't
1. The sound of people falling. It kills me. Especially down the stairs. Thinking about it now makes me giggle.
2. Rachels header...the ball looked like it was 50 lbs. About decapitated the poor lass.
3. Lennon eating it hard. He falls harder than any kid I've ever known then he looks at you with the most concerned eyes. If you laugh and say he's ok he'll just pop right up. I laugh...I laugh hard.
4. Body surfing in Hawaii with Emily and Kobie and Farrah and Rachel.
Number 1 funniest: Farrah...you basically body surfed right into the beach. Remember when the waves crashed right onto the shore? We decided to give body surfing a try, you were over it after one try. After seeing you come up with your hair matted and covered in sand I lost it, it will never be erased from my mind.
Number 2 funniest: Kobie...She took a big wave, much too big for her little body and I was just a bystander, watching. Her legs trailing that wave was the funniest thing the eyes could see. They were flailing and flopping around...the poor girl was getting battered in that wave hahaha you could see it in her legs!! I laughed...I laughed hard.
Number 3 funniest: Rachel...after every wave she was stoked, and so was everyone watching!!! They got a nice peep show little did she know. Waving her arms in the air, cheering to herself, without knowing her top came down exposing her white as snow BOOBIES! Couldn't have laughed harder.
Number 4 funniest: Emily...You came out of every wave like you just fought a war. Haha I will never forget how you looked after emerging from surfing a wave. Your hair was a freaking mess, and you were trying to get the salt water out of your eyes, and probably your hair out of your eyes. That made me laugh. Good times.
5. Watching dad boogie board. Man is he a treasure. He doesn't know how, so he catches the wave after it has already broken, then he just gets nailed...hard. You can't see anything but the white foam from the wave, then after a minute he comes out gasping for air. Too funny.
6. People that think they can sing, but totally can't. Sometimes when they are with me I will actually laugh out loud. Emily, you know what I mean :).
7. When mom gets crap all over her mouth, and keeps eating because she can't feel it. She will have like a whole lettuce leaf on her chin and just talk away, little does she know, no one is listening, just staring. Haha mom you are the best.
I wish I could think of more, and I probably will once I stop writing, but thats all I got folks. Hope you all got a good laugh, because I sure did.