Do you ever wonder why you say, think, or do the things you do? Do you ever feel like it's someone or something that is influencing you in someway to make you feel the way you do or say the things you do or act the way you act? These are some of the questions that have been floating around in my head lately and I still haven't found an answer. Sometimes I feel like it's just me who is making me feel this way or say those things or do those things, but other times it seems like I am being pushed or pulled a certain way to make me do or say those things.
I wonder, after I do those things, why in the world I did that. It's not always with the mistakes I've made, but with the good decisions I have made also. Sometimes I go and talk to people I have never met and feel like I just made that persons day, or sometimes I will think things about myself and get my self-esteem so low that I can't even function. It makes me wonder if it's simply human or am I being influenced by someone/something to make these decisions...? I guess there are some ways I could find that out, but in the meantime I will still have these questions.
I've also wondered whether or not I should serve a mission. A few months ago I was having a hard time because I felt like I wasn't being productive in my life. I felt like I needed to hurry and choose a career path, or hurry and find someone I could marry, or hurry and prepare for a mission, but I realized after many tears and frustration, and with the help of a very smart man (my dad) that I don't need to rush into anything. My dad told me that basically things happen when they happen. Just do the things that I feel like I need to be doing and everything will fall into place. As far as a mission goes, I am getting closer and closer to being 21 and it's kind of freaking me out. My dad says that if I need to go then I will go, that I will know whether or not its going to happen when the time is right. What a smart guy huh? So simple.
Anyway, I just would like to give a shout out to my family. This past week I have felt more appreciation for them than I have for a long time. I wanna let you guys know how much I truly love you. I feel so blessed to be able to spend eternity with you guys. Living here on earth with you is bliss, but imagining living in Heaven with you sounds so amazing.
Farrah and Rachel, thank you for your examples. I couldn't ask for better sisters seriously. I love how close we have become and I appreciate all your advice in all I do. Your guys' opinions mean so much to me, and everything you advise I really take to heart. Thanks for everything. Chad and Jake, you guys are the I love watching you father your children. It helps me find someone that I could potentially marry. I look in them for characteristics that you guys have. I love you. Alix and Kobie, what can I say about you huh? True blessings to the family. I get teary eyed thinking about the life you could have had if you hadn't been placed in our home. I'm sorry I tease you guys all the time and I'm not the nicest always but just know that I love you unconditionally. Now that you are maturing and getting older I like to hang out with you more and see what your lives are like. You're so much fun. Mom and Dad, words cannot express the love I have for you two. I can't think of better parents, honestly. I know that whenever I need to talk about something I can go to you guys and come out feeling so good about myself, so relieved, humbled, and loved. Thanks for all you do for the family and I. Jamie, Angie, Shawn and B, you all know I love you :) Also, to my best friend, you really are the best. I miss ya, love you, and it'll be nice to see you soon haha :)
I think I got everyone in there, sorry for the weird post. It's been a weird day so far haha. Tune in again soon!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009

...I know it's been forever! I just haven't had the desire really to update my blog, but here I am and it's about time if I don't say so myself :)
Well first things first I have moved out. Exciting right? I am living in Orem in an apartment just west of the freeway off the university parkway exit. It's actually a lot of fun. Besides the fact that I am the only one who cleans the apartment, does the dishes, cleans out the nasty microwave, mops, vacuums, sweeps, basically everything. But you know what? I don't really mind cuz I enjoy cleaning actually. I am sharing a room with Autumn and it's awesome. She and I have always gotten along, and we've known each other for a long time. She lives up the street from my house in Alpine so we have been in the same ward and everything for a while. She's clean, which is fantastic, and she's funny, which is even more fantastic haha. Every night is like a sleep over, I seriously fall asleep laughing every night, we say some pretty funny things before we go to sleep.
School is going good. I am learning a lot and working hard. I am staying ontop of things in my classes and staying caught up, unlike some of the other classes I took in previous years. Wish I had been a lil smarter those years haha. But it's awesome, I'm so close to the school that it makes it way easier to go to class. If any of you know me, it's hard for me to get motivated to do school work, so it's great that I'm so close to everything.
I went to my singles ward for the first time this last sunday and it was seriously sooooo good! I am so excited to become part of that ward. The relief society president is awesome. It was one of the most spiritual Sunday's I've had in a while. Plus the church is seriously 5 steps away, I love it!
Anyway I'm just gonna keep this short and sweet :) I am finally happy with things going on in my life. Pretty content with it if you will. I'm learning a lot about myself and what I am capable of and it's really refreshing and fun discovering all these things I can do that I never knew I could do.
Welp, this post is coming to a close, here are some pictures of the people I've been hanging out with while bein moved out and all.
Tune in again soon! .....Borris

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