Well what a wonderful day eh? I am finally updating my blog and what a better thing to talk about then my dad.
My dad is AWESOME! I have always been a daddy's girl. He and I were inseparable! We'd go fishing together, ride bikes together, hey dad remember when you had that lil seat for me on the back of your bike and I would just chill there while you would bike around? That was the best. We would play catch together, he taught me how to pitch for softball, he has taught me everything I know, literally. I know now what I am looking for for in an eternal companion because of my dads example and how much he loves my mom. He is the most caring person, he truly never thinks about himself, always about others. His testimony of the gospel is unbelievable, every time he talks about the gospel you can see in his eyes how much he loves it, and I couldn't be more grateful to have that in my home 24/7.
Dad this is a shout out to you, I love you. (I'm gettin teary just thinkin about it) You have been the best dad anyone could ask for. You've supported me in all I do and have done and for that I am forever grateful. Thanks dad for bein you, and making me laugh. Your optimism is the best, such a good example. I am so glad Heavenly Father put me into your arms, I am so happy I get to spend eternity with you dad. You're amazing and I LOVE YOU! Happy fathers day!
Also a little shout out to my brothers and brothers-in-law, you guys are the best! Chad, Jake, Shawn, and B, what great dads. I love watching you bein a dad! Sometimes its funny, but most of the time its sweet. I get to see the tender side to you guys and I love it. Such cute lil dads :) I love you guys! Happy fathers day to you too!
That's the best pic you have of my bro?! What's up with that! What a sweet post. Fathers' are awesome!
haha i was just looking at it and thinking...dang i didnt mean to put that picture up!!! ill fix it, he's the bomb.
thats a better picture :) sorry about the last one, i kinda posted in a hurry haha.
neat becca. put a glisten in my glopple if you know what i mean
what about me? love you
I found your blog pooseY! I just barely got one.. i feel so "with it" now. Love you. Hopefully i'll see ya AsAp!
ya becs... dad is the best. I love him too. Great post.
Becca, you are the best!! Thanks for all those kind words. I am blessed to have you as my sweet daughter. Love you bunches!! DAD
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