...so today I had probably one of the biggest blonde moments of my life. Here's how the story goes.
Rachel, Alix, Kobie, and I all went to cafe rio tonight for dinner, shocker right? Bajio people goin to cafe rio. Anyway, we got done eating and I was on my way home and I noticed that my tank was almost empty so I thought to myself "I'm gonna go get some gas at the junction and I might as well pick up some milk while I'm at it". So off I go, singing like I'm on American Idol all the way to our beloved junction. I pull up, get out of the car, take the gas cap off, and I pushed the button on the monitor that says "pay inside" all it did was make the weirdest noise, like I had made a mistake. An error noise if you will. So I push it again, thinking "well maybe the cashier has to do something", I probably pushed that button 20 times. Kept making the "error" noise. So, I went inside to ask the cashier if they are having troubles with the pumps or if they weren't working for whatever reason and he said "no they should be working". I furrowed my brow, in thought, wondering what in the world am I doing wrong? In the meantime someone had pulled up on the other side of me to fill up and he got his pump to work just fine. So (this is so embarrassing!) I asked him "how did you get your pump to work" he peaked over and said "just stuck my card in and it worked". I thought about it, then looked at the monitor and noticed a lil detail I probably should have noticed way before this whole process started, it said "pay inside/lift nozzle" WHAT!!!!! oh my word, so I freaking lifted the nozzle and started filling up. After that I said to the guy "just a lil blonde moment" and he busted up laughing, then left. I felt sooooo stupid!!! can you believe I did that? The whole way home I was laughing at myself and my stupidity. At least my stupidity got put to some good use, LAUGHTER!
haha i lol becca k?
Gasoline pumps can be tricky... if you're 14 and you stole your mom's car for the first time... That is funny though. Also funny, the comment you left me. Also great, your fly-kick photo. Friends it is.
oh becca...you are so funny!
HAHA classic. also classic: "wait..people think im you?!"
oh becca ;) your a funny gal.
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