Hello everyone in blogger world, it sure has been FOREVER hasn't it? Well I am here now, and I must say, I am WAY past due.
Well my life thus far isn't too much different than when the last time you heard from me, other than I got a new job at Mimi's Cafe in Orem, and I just signed a year lease to live in a house in Provo with my friends Danika and Lala....pretty boring, I know, but I ain't no mom :)
Anyway, this post is pretty much a shout out to my older sister Rach. You see, she and I over the past few years, have grown really close....and I just had to say goodbye to her yesterday because her and her lil family moved to Florida. This was one of the hardest things I've done in a long time. This past year was unreal. Her lil 3 yr old Lennon basically became my kid for a while and my best buddy. Talking about this lil guy chokes me up. Waking up every morning excited to see his lil face and hear his sweet voice is something I will cherish forever. I have such a tight bond to that lil guy, I hope it lasts forever. I miss you Lennon, you really did take a piece of my heart with you.
Holden is a living miracle, such a blessing to us all, and the most happy baby I have ever seen. So happy to be here in his family on this earth. He made such an awesome decision to stay here, he has the best parents in the world and the greatest older brother. Holden, you are amazing, I miss your gapped teeth and contagious smile. Don't forget about me.
Besus, the freaking man! I could hang out with that guy every single day and never get sick of it. So glad my sister married such a stud. You take care of my sis out there ok?
Rachy Poo, words can't express the amount of appreciation and love I feel toward this gal. She has taught me so much just simply by example. Her strength I've seen this past year has inspired not only me, but everyone around her. She has the best sense of humor, and makes everyone feel like a hundred bucks. I already miss your morning face, funny dance, trash talking self. So grateful to have a sister also be called my best friend. I miss you Rach. I love you.
Now I'm gonna stop crying, and get to what everyone really wants...to look at pictures :) here are some from the trip out to Florida my family and I took. Enjoy.

Me and Kobie sweating to death at Disney World

Lennon and I at the beach

The whole fam damily after a long day at Disney World

M&M world! We were slapping that poor M&M's costume, hard, haha!

Disney World!

Playing in the hot Florida rain...drenched

Me and Holden, Twinners!
1st day in Florida, had to visit the beach :)
Love you Rach, enjoy your adventure in Florida! I'm gonna visit sometime K? :)