What an awesome day today was. First of all it was fast Sunday. I love fast Sundays. I feel the spirit so much more on fast Sundays and it's usually right when I need it the most. Second of all, it was little Mayci Jo's baby blessing today. What an awesome blessing it was. Shawn, good job, you brought the spirit into the room to start the sacrament meeting off on the right foot. Third of all, Jake, Dad, and Farrah all bore their testimonies today and honestly I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the family I am. It was so good to hear the testimonies of my family members and to know how strongly they felt about the truthfulness of the Gospel. Thanks you guys for that. I cried :) Fourth of all it was my Grandma's 85th birthday today! She is such a treat. When I look at her I can't help but smile. She is an amazing person. Words cannot describe how amazing she is. Being around her you can feel how close she is to the Lord, and she truly does love you. She's a great example to us all as she serves others and LOVES EVERYONE! Thanks Grandma :) Love you.
Well, that about wraps up today, does it sound neat to you? Because it was neat. If I haven't told you before, I Love You.
-Sincerely, borris
(P.S. Mayce has definitely grown since these pictures, I just didn't have any recent ones of her :) )